Veg Creations

Artistic creations, made from vegetables, to make people :)

Hello. I am an anonymous vegetable artist known as v.edgy (the dot is silent). Until recently I had pretty much zero experience of doing anything artistic. I had a little more experience with vegetables, mainly eating them and, together with my partner, helping them grow in our veggie patch and our raised veggie beds.

In a moment of minor madness between harvesting some veggies and cooking them, I placed the 3 courgettes and a round cucumber on our floor and created this:

Blourshette © aka Veggie Blohsh
Blourshette© aka Veggie Blohsh

Blourshette seemed to go down well with family, especially the Billie Eilish fans, and that was more than enough to inspire me to continue my artistic endeavours.

Enough about me. Let the vegetables speak for themselves. Only metaphorically - they can't actually speak - or can they?

Hummingbirds, playing people, are busy at a very special jumble sale. Above the middle, a DJ plays tunes & an MC entertains & informs visitors. Beneath, 4 visitors inspect two rails of clothes. Beneath, 5 visitors carry various items of bric-a-brac. Beneath, a magician wows an audience of 4 to the left of a door with 3 more visitors outside. At the top 3 birds feed on flowers on plants spelling out “JUMBLE FEVER“.
Humming Jumble Fever 2020

Here's a VegCreation artist's impression of just some of the exciting things on offer at @TheOxfordCircle's #JumbleFever event this year.

Details from @TheCircleNGO:

Oh, the garlic characters are meant to be hummingbirds :)

New Year Sieve

For all whose year ends today here's a VegCreation allowing me to get one last pun in before the new year starts.

It was a bit of a squash.

Wishing you all a happy New Year and a wonderful one of these :)

On a background of grey concrete, snow (white grated cauliflower) is falling & is on the ground. On the left a Christmas tree (sprig of yew) with baubles (red yew berries) & a star (yellow sunflower petals). To its right a letter L (orange carrot) made to look like a person with a face, arms & feet (beige carrot) is tied to the tree with a Virginia Creeper stalk. To its right are white beans spelling out HI HI HI.“
Yew-L-Tied Greetings

To everyone who celebrates Christmas, here's a festive VegCreation.

To everyone else, hope you find it amusing. If not, sorry. I'll try again soon.

To everyone, best wishes.

Figure resembling a confused pink penguin (shallot body & arms, pink garlic clove feet & white cauliflower & black sesame seed eyes, looking at a resident (the viewer) at their door, with shoulders shrugged & palms of hands open as if to say “Why didn't you vote?“. Under each hand is a pot (orange carrot) plant (green okra foliage). Behind are houses (okra slices). Above are the sun (carrot) & clouds (white beans).
The Ballot Shallot

If you don't think you'll vote today because of the hassle, the rain or you don't think your vote will make a difference, please think again.

#UKElection #UseYourVote

Still won't bother? Well, good luck explaining yourself, on your doorstep, to this guy :)

Racing hot air balloons (green figs) & ropes (poppy stalks) supporting political party coloured baskets (red, yellow, green & purple chard, gold squash, blue kale & white cauliflower. The sun (squash), clouds (cauliflower) & 3 birds (white beans) are in the sky & on the right is the top of the clock tower (brown Virginia Creeper stalks) of Big Ben. The clock (cauliflower, black sesame seeds & VC stalks) reads 12:15.
Party Balloons

With a little recon-fig-uration of "Fig Skating" and a few additions here's a possible alternative way of electing MPs, illustrated as a #VegCreation.

Lots of hot air - so not that alternative then. :)

#Election2019 #HotAirBalloons #BigBen

Racing ice skating MPs (green fig bodies, brown Virginia Creeper stalk limbs, white bean & poppy stalk skates, black bean gloves, party coloured chard scarves & fig, squash, fig, cauliflower & suede hair). On the far edge of the ice is a post (cream poppy stalk & head). Beyond the ice the sun (orange crown prince squash) is setting over snow (grated white cauliflower) covered land & a tree (grey bare rosemary sprig).
Fig Skating

If only we could figure out an alternative, fairer, more engaging way of electing our parliamentary representatives.

Until then here are some MPs @DancingOnIce. Or are they?

@CarolineLucas @NicolaSturgeon @JoSwinson @JeremyCorbyn @BorisJohnson


The sun (yellow ranunculus) shines over two flamingos (pink Virginia Creeper leaf stalks), each a near mirror image of the other, standing on one leg, facing each other, beaks (black chilli peppers) touching, staring into the other's eyes (white beans and orange spindleberries). Viewed from the side, their necks, heads and beaks form a heart shape. The horizon is made up of many tiny hearts (pink spindleberry pods).
The Flaming 'ot Chilli Peppers

Honestly, the lengths I'll flamin' go to for a pun. :)

Also, it looks like there may be love on the horizon.

I'd suggest zooming in to make that last (bonus) pun clearer, but it seems we need a close-up image. One to follow soon.

              By row, top down
              Sun (sunflower)
              Jacaranda trees (purple cauliflower), trees (green broccoli)
              Red Rebel Brigade (red chard & white bean), flag pole (poppy head & stalk)
              Lying down protesters (green bean pods & brown beans), XR flag (squash)
              4 police officers (radish, hawthorn berries, green chard, purple bean pods), carrying George (squash, purple bean pods) by knees & elbows
              TfL logo (courgette),
Transport [to Jail] for [Planet Earth] Lovers

Prize winner @lizjoly1 (Twitter handle) chose @GeorgeMonbiot's arrest at @ExtinctionR as the subject for a creation. Co-starring @RedRebelBrigade. High-fiving @GretaThunberg. Hope you like it. :)

Here's a link to DoubleDownNews' video footage of the event: George Monbiot reports from his own arrest!

Poppy with Red Pepper
Poppy with Red Pepper

Dedicated to my beloved partner and paying homage to Banksy and his fabulous Girl with Balloon, this creation needs no electrically powered help to shred it into pieces. Poppy is made from our poppies' seeds and she's reaching for one of our sweet red peppers. Shredder shmredder - Mother Nature will break this lot down into compost before too long. On second thoughts that pepper is too good not to slice into strips and cook. I'm thinking fajitas. Mmm fajitas. :) Pre and post production photos to follow soon.

You're Gonna Hear Me Roar
You're Gonna Hear Me Roar

Look what happened to our favourite lion cub! I'll move him to the behind the beans footage of "Remember Who You Are" soon. In the mean time he really does deserve to be on view. The colour of his mane alone makes me :) It's made from Californian poppies from our friend C's garden which I've been raiding occasionally for materials since "Believe 👽". Thank you C.

Remember Who You Are
Remember Who You Are

And where you've runner bean. For family with whom we spent a wonderful few days this summer, including taking in a movie. Any idea which one? The first person who correctly guesses the meaning behind the white beans' 'MMMM' wins the prize of choosing the topic for a future creation. Behind the beans footage to follow soon.

Go Becky Go
Go Becky Go

This creation is for our friend Rebecca who has just completed Cancer Research UK's "Bike to beat cancer this September" challenge. Please take a look at her fundraising page. She posted some interesting photos of Cumbria. You might just recognise at least one of the views. :)

MAGM - Make Aubergines [into] Great Moussaka
MAGM - Make Aubergines [into] Great Moussaka

These aubergines and that melon were too good to not commit to a creation. They were super tasty too. Pre and post production photos to follow soon.

Black "Pink Ladies"
Black "Pink Ladies"

This creation was commissioned by a family member for one of her friends who loves the South Korean girl group BLACKPINK. Coming soon: Rate your veggie knowledge with "Guess the veg used in this creation" quiz.

The Veggie Hungry Caterpearllar
The Veggie Hungry Caterpearllar

Before preserving these pears of ours my partner came up with this inspired idea for a creation. Recipe to follow soon.

The Sweet-pea-ker
The Sweet-pea-ker

The moment when Rt Hon John Bercow MP scratched his chin in the general direction of Rt Hon Michael Gove MP needed to be renderded with veggies. Who doesn't want to own a shirt like that? A high-def image of his neck-tie to follow soon.

OMG - They Killed Kenneth
OMG - They Killed Kenneth

Veggie South Park does the UK Government. The cast list, some behind the scenes footage, a moussaka recipe, an explanation and probably an apology all to follow soon.

Believe 👽

Quiet news day. Apparently the Loch Ness Monster could be a large eel? In other news: Repudiated accusations of using non vegetable based materials in these creations to follow soon.

J Cobnuts

Brexiteers, Remainers and now Recliners. What about this image could possibly make us smile? His hair is made from cobnuts! :) A correction and a revealing image, taken the morning after this creation was made, to follow soon.

Little Veggie Mix
Little Veggie Mix

This creation was commissioned by a family member for one of her friends who loves the girl group Little Mix. I'm so proud to have helped grow those Hungarian Black Chilli outfits. Pre and post production photos to follow soon.

Wedgie Tea
Wedgie Tea

When we dug this little fella out of the ground he was pleading with us to use him in a veggie creation. We oblidged, then turned him into the most delicious potato wedges for our tea. Disturbing post production photos to follow. Sensitive visitors might want to look away then.

Veggie BTS
Veggie BTS

This creation was for a family member who loves loves loves the South Korean boy band BTS. A startling resemblance we think you'll agree. Post production photo to follow soon.

Family HL
Family HL

This was a creation to let much loved friends know that we were thinking of them. The faces of the minors in this creation have been obfuscated to protect their identity. It has been suggested that this creation is simply 'Family F' with a few tiny changes. What do you think?

Family F
Family F

This was a creation to let much loved friends know that we were thinking of them. The faces of the minors in this creation have been obfuscated to protect their identity. It has been suggested that this creation is simply 'Family HL' with a few tiny changes. What do you think?

Blourshette © aka Veggie Blohsh
Blourshette© aka Veggie Blohsh

Here's a reminder of how it all started. Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful?